confront james造句


  1. Later, Beau confronts James about Kelly's worsening condition.
  2. Ben then confronts James about the 1-26's.
  3. Eventually Kathy and Pete confront James and persuade him to leave Walford.
  4. Ringo confronts James when he cannot find the music company James works for on the Internet.
  5. Eventually Kathy and Pete confront James at his house and he and Pete nearly come to blows.
  6. It's difficult to find confront james in a sentence. 用confront james造句挺难的
  7. When she confronts James about it he says he moved the body but didn t kill him.
  8. Barney confronts James, grabbing James's phone, which has a picture of James and another man on it.
  9. In the final climactic scenes, Liam confronts James with the destruction of his past, and kills him with a pair of scissors, before running away.
  10. Director Ron Howard originally intended for Russell Crowe to make a cameo appearance as Richard Burton for a brief scene where he confronts James Hunt on his affair with Suzy.
  11. He confronts James, fearing he has found himself another gun, only to find that James had thrown the bullets into a stream, to prevent Lawrence from attempting to harm himself again.
  12. Forced to confess, she tells Kevin, who angrily confronts James, who insists he knows nothing about the scam and is supported by the Barlow family ( except Tracy, who has suspicions ).
  13. While Hannah is sleeping in the next room, Joseph decides to confront James, takes her keys and goes to her house, where he finds she had stabbed James to death, presumably after the rape.
  14. Michael and Fiona are captured by James'men and Madeline tells Michael that she has to make the ultimate sacrifice saying " Sometimes sacrifices have to be made . " Michael and Fi come out to confront James and Michael tells him that Fiona is going to negotiate.
  15. SST went into near-hibernation in the mid-90s, deleting much of its jazz output, and releasing little new material apart from Ginn's projects ( including Confront James, Mojack ), but still keeping the catalogs of Black Flag, The Minutemen, Firehose, H黶ker D? The Descendents, and Bad Brains in print.


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  7. "confront with"造句
  8. "confrontage"造句
  9. "confrontation"造句
  10. "confrontation analysis"造句

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